Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Mind at Work

"A Mind at Work" by Mike Rose should aid me in my ethnographic project. I like the beginning section where Rose talked about his background in an immigrant blue-collar family. He mentioned how his uncle was a railroad worker and his mother a waitress; this shows me that I should try to use some form of allusion in my paper, because of the personal feel to it. The imagery in it should keep the readers attentive. Rose also mentioned some of the details of the work his family did, talking about the information his uncle studied and the trip he took to a museum to learn more about his profession. So I too should include information about how Rita's operates and some of the products they offer.
Another thing I've found is that around halfway, as he starts talking about his book, he defines and describes terms like intelligence and work, among others that are relevant to his study. I've already done this a little bit in my interview essay by explaining the difference between ice cream and frozen custard, but it should also help in my analysis paper. Also, Rose seems to have some sort of theme about intelligence and the relationship between it and skill. I too need to find an overall theme or thesis for my analysis. I have bits and pieces for what I want to talk about, but I don't have an overall theme yet.

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